Thursday, February 20, 2014

Self Portrait of the Day

Once again, we had our very first class of 2-Dimensional Design class with our pretty Ms. Lisa!! She had taught us Principle Of Designs which is one of the subject for previous semester. Here is the blog's link about what we had done during the class. Go check it out! :) ------>

It was a bit surprised that Ms. Lisa told us to make a self portrait again since we had done it for our first class of Principle Of Design (POD) and it was tremendously had a sad experience for it. However, our self portrait for this time was slightly different from the previous one. (makes me more nervous when Ms.Lisa said it). This time, we wont require to put our face on the self portrait and we can do take or make anything that to represent ourselves. It could be anything and there were no limits for it, which means.. Freedom to choose! *yay?* Later on, we were given 2 hours to think about it and present it in class. (As usual lol)

Before I making this little thing, I really spent a lot of time thinking of what object is the best choice to represent me. So I basically used about one and a half hour to think of it. I don't know why but my head really likes to make anything complicated. While I walking around the campus, I kinda get some idea so I took one stone from plant, bought a 100 plus at 7 Eleven because I need the tin and also took 2 of the coffee cover and bought ribbons.

I'm truly sorry that I'm unable to successfully tie together the cover and the tin with the ribbons. I also didn't presented it well on the class. While I'm making this, I really put my personal emotions on it since it was quite meaningful and it was like my journey. The 2 transparent cover outside the container was actually like a protected circle which means that previous before I came to study University, I always get protected by my parents and they're taking care of me so much. The used tin to represent as a hard shield which means that I had to be strong enough when I go to university and be more independent. But even if it was a hard shield, it would break someday and that had happened on my previous sem (sem1). It was totally unpleasant experience for me. (I wanted to add many broken pieces of glass inside the container but it was too dangerous) Therefore, I used a stone which a heart drawn on it which represents that I had encouraged myself and said to myself that I'll never ever rely on others. Besides, somehow I feel I became emotionless just like a stone. The ribbon was actually like wrapping out something ugly and normal into pretty look on the outside just like most of the human who likes to camouflage. The string which wrapped around the tin was added after I brought back to my hostel to make it more perfect.

By the way, Ms.Lisa, actually I wasn't angry that day on the class.. I was worried because that day was raining heavily and I didn't close my hostel room, and my laptop was near to the window. (O.O)

So here's the video with all view of this little design. :)


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