Sunday, March 16, 2014

Assignment 1- "What's Your Square?" [Part 3]

So on the next class, we started to cut out our design with our own skills and methods. To be honest, my design was quite challenging to cut because of the thin lines between each of it cause it easy to torn. However, I try my best to make it as perfect as possible :)

Before I start cutting it, I got the first minor problem, is that I don't know which  color paper suits my design the best because I bought many different papers and I think all the paper suits the design quite well. ( ̄▽ ̄) Later on, I asked my pretty lecturer, Ms.Lisa for her suggestion and she had chosen a shiny gold paper for it. 

Shiny gold paper! I can see myself LOL :)

So I started to cut out my awesome design. This is the first stage for it. I drawn the symmetrical design on the gold paper with thick lines so that I'm easy to differentiate and cut it. 

 Symmetrical Design

Next, I started to cut the eagle's crown and wings. I have to be very cautious when cutting it because my line wasn't thick enough, might easy to torn. I used my precious and trusty precision knife to cut it.  This assignment have to be very very very very very very.....Patience~

 But, I think I ruined a little bit because many of the lines torn. :'(

This paper was really thick that I had to use more strength to cut it and my hand started to pain and swollen but if I'm able to make it out perfectly, these little pain means nothing. :)

 The shape is going to coming out little by little! :D

This thing just stole 5 hours from my life.

To Be Continued... :)

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