Monday, May 12, 2014

Assignment 2- "Monograms Pt 2"- [Pattern Part] 2

Continue the next day.. few more to go! :)

Finally done cutting!

It looks a bit like the prisoner's gate! hehe.. :P

 Arif, the prisoner! :D

Later on, I used spray mount that I borrowed from Jia Chen and stick it one by one on my A3 mounting board.

And then, I spray it with gold color :)


 Tadaa ~

After it dried, I slowly peel off one by one. Some of the part didn't stick it well caused some part of it blurry.

 progressing.. *nervous*

Done peeling everything

 It looks like bangle if you asked me.. :)

 Pattern done! Yay!! :D

It was an awesome project if you ask me because I had never done this kind of stenciling method or even do patterning before. It took a lot of time to do it and also patience. :)

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