Saturday, June 21, 2014

Assignment 4- Painting To Music!!

So this was the last assignment for 2D design and also last class with Ms. Lisa. Time flies toooooooo fast! :(
It's like a blink of an eye and it's already June... We're definitely gonna enjoy this last class together with Ms.Lisa. :)

For this assignment, we were told to bring painting materials, two A2 sized (or bigger) of canvases/ watercolor paper, other necessary items that we need when painting and we were free to use any kind of drawing technique. Another important thing is music playlist that students prepared the contemporary music and Ms. Lisa prepared classical music.

After everyone found their spot, we started by closing our eyes and listen to the song for at least 60 seconds, and when we're ready, we can just start painting on our blank paper. We shouldn't think! The objectives of this assignment is we should let it go, empty our mind and just feel the rhythm~  :)

I used poster color and watercolor paper for the contemporary music. I splashed some water on the watercolor paper and also play around with it by using it to draw a invisible line so that the colors that I'm gonna apply on it later will follow the flow of the water. :)

The songs played from Danny's playlist contained different kind of music like sad, happy, sentimental, rock and so on. This gave me a feeling that I should play around all the colors and put everything into one since the song keep on changing after one, the feelings and emotional changed as well. 

I didn't plan it to paint an eye for this but... I just did :x

When I heard the music changed into a very sad song, I'll change my color to black and dark blue onto my paint. I hold my paper up to make the color flow it naturally like tears. I also splash the colors here and there because there's some music that gave a powerful and energetic feels.

Here's the final outcome for the painting to contemporary music;

We had a short break before started our next painting to classical music and music are prepared by Ms. Lisa. To be honest.. I LOVE CLASSICAL MUSIC!! I learned piano before and most of song that we need to play for practice and also examination was classical music.

I used watercolor paper and acrylic for the classical music. :)

The moment when I hear the music, I felt really happy and ease, and also make me calm my mind. But the funny thing is that my head keep on popping out those symphony orchestra image and I was like being as a conductor for a moment. :P 

I started with the upper left there which is a combination of green, blue and yellow colors and a few red color dots on it because during the first classical music, their rhythm was very lively, we called it as Allegro in Italian musical terms, it's like walking happily at the park but then there's a tricky pitch and also an explosion tone that are getting louder (Crescendo) for awhile which make me to choose red color as the highlight. 

When it comes to the next music, the melody was like a swirl and it goes round and round with a very soft pitch. I was like so into the music and totally following the flow of the rhythm so that's why there's a four circle with mixed colors to symbolize different expression of the classical musics and also myself. Actually, if you focus more to the four circle, you can actually see it that they're actually look like the music notes, quaver and semibreve. I just realized after I completed the painting. As for the bottom part was a wave just like the melody. Sometimes getting louder and sometimes getting softer. This was also symbolized as life that sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes life is hard to move on, and sometimes it goes smoothly. That is why most of the people said that  'Music Is Life', ' No Music, No Life'. There's no consistent in everything. And that is the reason why the wave had many different colors and also created many new colors inside it that it couldn't directly buy it from art store.

I also added gold color because in my opinion, classical music is the best and precious like gold. lol :)
The outcome may seems to be very complicated and messy yet it wont be as complicated as life and every detail, every color, every strokes of the line have a meaning. :)

It was a good experience after all. I really appreciate what Ms.Lisa had taught for my one year of Foundation. Thank you for guiding and teaching us in Principle of Design subject and also 2 Dimensional Design subject. I learned a lot of new skills and techniques, and also improved some of my amateur skills. Last but no least, I gained many new experience. :)

Once again, thank you so much Ms.Lisa, and I wish you all the best too as you head to London in the future! :) 



feel free to check out my previous work at----> 

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Assignment 3- "Batik"- Presentation! :)

As usual, we set up all our artworks for Ms.Lisa to evaluate it. We will need to tell her about our batik process, what we learnt, the colors that we chose and what was the difficulties that we had faced.

We placed our artwork in a different way than other groups because we thought of something related to the poker cards. We stick our artwork on the A2 mounting board and then cut the side of it to make all four joint together. We make it like this because it represent something like when we stacking up the cards using poker cards. And this is related to our theme as well. :)

 It looks like a lantern. Then we placed onto the swivel chair so that we can turn it around. :)

Jia Ni almost given up on this but she didn't! You did your best Jia Ni! :)

Presentation Time!!
I can say that other groups did really fantastic job and their work really are better than us a lot. I'm a bit sad that our group's artwork looks like a mess. :(

Michelle group really did fantastic job! Ms. Lisa was choosing her favorite piece. :) 

 I love this so much, made by Michelle's group

 By Arif's group

 I forgot what's their theme, by Bryan's group

 Geometrical theme by Afie's group

Egyptian theme by Aliya's group

Overall, it was a really awesome experience. As I said before, I had never done batik before, so the first try for the batik looks like a mess.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Assignment 3- "Batik"- [Let's Do This!!]

We started our journey to the batik factory around 9.00 in the morning. We took a tour bus there with the photocopy of our designs , pencils and our beginner level skills. It was around 45 minutes ride and the tour guide was very kind to explain what we would be doing when we get there. 

As this is the first time I went to a batik gallery or workshop, I was super duper excited. :D


So let's back to work! :)

The first process was sketching the designs onto the fabric using pencil. We used masking tapes to stuck our designs under the batik so that we could trace it out the outline.

done tracing it!

The next step is waxing the outline. The people at there are nice that they were helping us scooping the hot wax.

Putting the wax part is the hardest process among all since the wax was in liquid form, we have to control how much we need to put on the fabric. We need to change the wax often too as it dried out too fast because we have to work on it when the wax was in liquid form. We need to have  a very steady hand while doing this, if not.. it can ruin everything! There shouldn't left any gap for the outline because the color will go all over if there's no wax.

After completed waxing the outline, the next step is applying colors that we had decided onto the cloth. We need to be very careful and steady because we cannot allow any mistakes to happen and if it did happen, we can't redo it or undo it.

June is very very concentrate and focus..


These were the outcomes;

I didn't take picture of Jia Ni's pattern because during that time, she was having a critical moments.

All in all, we made it till the end and faced a lot of problems along the way. It requires a great amount of skills, patience and experiences to make it. We had a lot of fun.

Ms.Lisa also created one of her own batik design. It was very neat and nice what Ms.Lisa did. As expected, Ms.Lisa are a professional in anything! :)

The scene of doing Batik assignment. 

And we went back to campus with colorful hand. :)

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Assignment 3- "Batik"- [Designing!]

All of us gave ideas into our design. These are my sketches;

Ms. Lisa prefer Jia Ni's idea which is a diamond shape design and placed it randomly. We found out that the diamond cube looks like one of the poker cards design, and so we got an idea. We created four different shapes based on the inspiration of poker cards. The shapes are diamonds, spade, clubs and hearts.

Each of us chose one of the symbol to create a pattern. I chose hearts, June chose clubs, Yazmin chose spade and Jia Ni in-charge for the diamond of course since she's the creator. :) Ms.Lisa gave us a suggestion that we can try to make them into square-like type so we started to sketch it out on the graph paper. However, we found that it really takes quite some time to draw out plenty of the shapes, so we tried to draw out a rough sketch of our pattern and then use Photoshop to edit it. 

A rough sketch of my part -hearts symbol

We arranged our pattern again on the Photoshop to make it looks perfect when combining for different shapes together. 
 Yazmin's spade pattern in-progress

thinking of a way to make it more unite. :)

Our final outcome for hearts and clubs pattern would be like this..

Monday, May 26, 2014

Assignment 3- "Batik"- [Research]

Basically, batik is a fabric painting by using wax to outline the shapes and pattern in order to secure the colors, dye it with colors and wash off the wax in boiling water.

For this awesome assignment, we were asked to create our own batik in a group of 3 to 4 members. Ms. Lisa had given us 2 hours time to do our research about the batik and also choosing a theme for this batik project. We were inspired by this picture because of its background color that are very fascinating.

And here's what we had researched