Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Assignment 3- "Batik"- [Designing!]

All of us gave ideas into our design. These are my sketches;

Ms. Lisa prefer Jia Ni's idea which is a diamond shape design and placed it randomly. We found out that the diamond cube looks like one of the poker cards design, and so we got an idea. We created four different shapes based on the inspiration of poker cards. The shapes are diamonds, spade, clubs and hearts.

Each of us chose one of the symbol to create a pattern. I chose hearts, June chose clubs, Yazmin chose spade and Jia Ni in-charge for the diamond of course since she's the creator. :) Ms.Lisa gave us a suggestion that we can try to make them into square-like type so we started to sketch it out on the graph paper. However, we found that it really takes quite some time to draw out plenty of the shapes, so we tried to draw out a rough sketch of our pattern and then use Photoshop to edit it. 

A rough sketch of my part -hearts symbol

We arranged our pattern again on the Photoshop to make it looks perfect when combining for different shapes together. 
 Yazmin's spade pattern in-progress

thinking of a way to make it more unite. :)

Our final outcome for hearts and clubs pattern would be like this..

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